Please note that this website is no longer active. To continue your British Club Challenge adventure, please visit our new and much improved website to register and get involved:

Welcome to the Advance British Club Challenge (BCC) website.

Images from recent BCC rounds

The Advance BCC is a British Hang Gliding and Paragliding Association (BHPA) Paragliding Competitions Panel endorsed event, open to paragliding Flying Members of the BHPA.

Designed as a friendly, BHPA recreational club level competition, the focus is firmly on safety, enjoyment and mentored team flying to aid paragliding pilot development, rather than higher level out-and-out racing.

This rather venerable and much loved website will be maintained until the records of the BCC seasons from 2006 to 2021 have all been transferred across to our new and user friendly website. So please feel free to look around to see what we got up to during that period.